Coquelicot is french for poppy. While visiting the seaside I have been showing you in my last posts we found a little hut by the side of the road. They sold bottles of wine, but you could also bring empty plastic bottles and they would fill them with wine straight from the vats. Jackpot! Upon entering, the proprietor would offer you a little glass of Something. The Coquelicot I am showing you here is a syrup made from flowers and it is what they offer to the little guys. My little guy was very cute sitting on the stoop carefully holding his own small wine glass trying very hard to pronounce coquelicot. It is really delicious and can be used in white wine or rose to make a kir or sparkling water for a lovely, refreshing summer drink. It is also good to bribe your kids with, not that I do that kind of thing. (Here I would wink if I could which I can't, but I always try and my son always says "no, only one eye"...anyway.) I found some online here if you are interested. I hope you Enjoy and have a great weekend!

I love your photos, what a beautiful blog!