Nicole Licht lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. She studied fine art at Cooper Union and has exhibited her paintings, installation work and soft sculpture throughout the U.S. Under the name astulabee, Nicole stitches up unique limited edition and one of a kind individually considered fabric soft sculptures. Each one is created with many many hand sewn special details and carefully selected materials. Sturdy enough to be shared as a keepsake or heirloom toy, astulabee wares are equally enjoyed as soft sculpture objects, decorative ornaments by adults.
Print, illustrations, small objects and wearable designs are also often offered as one of a kinds or in small batches depending on the medium used.

I first saw Nicole's work via Small Magaazine which led me to her blog where I found the fabric collage tutorial she created for Etsy's DIY workshops at the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Follow the link for step by step instructions. I am so inspired by her work and can't wait to try this project.

Astulabee blog
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